american apparel here i come

then i find out that kbtoys is having a massive sale and these things called styli'sticks are here to rescue me from creative limbo. they're kind of like static window clings sans static or ragged punk band patches sans the safety pins. the "Z" generation's iron-on patch, if you will, taken on and off again via 30 seconds of hot iron set on "synthetic". i can't wait to complicate my blank tank tops, t-shirts, and fat pants with pastel-colored horses, bunnies, and rainbows.
at $2 it's a steal. two bucks (!) for 10 tubes of paint and 50 transfers. 81 units left so you best hurry. non-colorado, massachusetts, and virginia peeps get to skip out on sales tax too. shipping though, as usual, is an unknown variable, especially w/kb's kooky system of fixed + per pound shipping charges. black isn't part of the set, but i'm sure you crazy wak smart goth fillies will be able to finagle the included colors into some sort of muddled barfy brown. and that'll do pig, that'll do.
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