perfectly pimpin punktastic paul!

RISA JAROSLOW & DANCERS (Tonight through Sunday night) Risa Jaroslow has often focused on the idea of community in her work, and in “Resist/Surrender” she explores ideas about masculinity by bringing in a diverse group of nondancers (gay teenagers, New York City firefighters and corporate lawyers) to work with her troupe. Scott Johnson has composed an original score. At 8:30, Danspace Project at St. Mark’s Church, 131 East 10th Street, East Village, (212) 674-8194,; $15; members, $10. (Roslyn Sulcas)my friend paul (he's the sexy brown boy in the right back corner) is performing tonight, saturday, and sunday. if you live in nyc, definitely check out his danspace project dance piece "resist/surrender" at st mark's church, at 2nd ave & 10th st. lower east side, friday evening, crappy wind and rain and nasty muggy 80 degrees outside (IN DECEMBER??????)...god is practically demanding that you attend!
it's only $15 and if you ever go to see anything live in the city, you already know that it's a sweet deal. plus, the new york times calls it "...exquisite, like a drop of air suspended in honey." and who doesn't like honey!?!?
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