you crafty motherf***er
i'm helping ms. elana out with her rosebud design studio table @ this saturday's holiday gift bazaar and hawkin budgies with the craftonite peeps @ felt club on sunday. please do come out and say hello! i promise you won't be able to say no to adopting one of craftonite's cute as a button budgie buddies...

santa monica holiday gift bazaar
* sat nov 17th, 11am-4pm
* @1512 16th St, Santa Monica, CA
* free admission
felt club
* sun nov 18th, 11am-6pm
* @ LA Community College, 855 N. Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA
* $5 admission ~ it's bigger & funkier & outdoors!

santa monica holiday gift bazaar
* sat nov 17th, 11am-4pm
* http://www.holidaygiftbazaar
* @1512 16th St, Santa Monica, CA
* free admission
felt club
* sun nov 18th, 11am-6pm
* @ LA Community College, 855 N. Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA
* $5 admission ~ it's bigger & funkier & outdoors!
Aw, so adorable it almost hurts. Will there be bats?
i believe there will be ONE bat!!! i will put him on reserve for you, hidden in a dark tupperware cave.
Cool stuff at the show, congrats. Still waiting for little budgie bat, I'll out bid anyone for it. Must have BAT!!... Is the dark tupperware cave an included accessory?
Hey, nice work racing again.
I have a friend who is in your area now. You should meet up with the boy and show him the bike scene. Give me a call later. mjh
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