the $65 nail file

come on now. there has GOT to be something more worthwhile to product test than nail files. honestly. who has a preference about cardboard sticks covered in sandpaper??? i'm disgusted that you get paid to do this, aja. and supremely jealous.
how about industrial strength scissors? or mints? or rubber bands? or coffee mugs? or chapstick? maybe dog collars. i'm positive there are NYC dog owners just dying for an article on how metal studs on the collar are good/bad/deadly for their pets and desperately need further research on the benefits of canvas vs. nylon.
you can find a market for ANYthing in nyc, cant you?
and personally, i need my nailfiles to go through exhaustive testing before i trust my nails to them. ^_^
nyc is definitely crazy.
i must be the ungirliest girl in the entire tri-state area though. =)
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