brit is preggers
update 11:22 am 4.14.05: UPN's brit & kevin reality show will premiere with a one-hour special episode on tuesday, may 17 at 9 pm. the following week, the untitled series, which includes footage from their private home videos (*shudder*), will air half-hour episodes tuesdays at 9 pm, followed by the new UPN comedy the bad girls guide, starring jenny "she's still alive?" mccarthy. i can't look away! it's like a quintuple-car-crash when the jaws of life are about to dig in!

the funny (and sad) thing is that i opt-in to receive these idiotic newsletters. i give them PERMISSION to litter my brain with useless tidbits that are utterly irrelevant to my life. to anyone's life really. ugh.

the funny (and sad) thing is that i opt-in to receive these idiotic newsletters. i give them PERMISSION to litter my brain with useless tidbits that are utterly irrelevant to my life. to anyone's life really. ugh.
hey now. language. =)
how about, "brit is a thoroughly unwashed stinky girl-woman-demon who sells her body for procreation"?
slag! i love brit(ish) slang. like brill. and copper. and snog. that's all i know.
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