killing two birds with one cake

1st bird - super bowl party @ my house this sunday
2nd bird - my gorgeous smoldering tech-happy hottie of a boyfriend had a birthday in january and thanks to google image search, i can now offer him a jpeg of a personalized football cake. i'm sure he'll love it.
details on the first bird:
the game starts at 6pm on sunday february 6th.
the EARLIEST you're allowed to show up is 5:30pm.
don't come earlier because i'll be busy cleaning up my pigsty of an apartment and praying that my cat stops shedding like the freakin dead christmas pine tree on the curb. yeah. i have a cat. he's small. and attention desperate. if you're allergic i will...give you extra beer? and a face mask.
so. i'll be ordering pizza and buying beer. i'd really appreciate it if you guys each brought a bag of chips or veggies or something else similarly snacky. easy, right?
please drop me a quick note back if you're coming (and if you're bringing someone) so i buy/order enough food. i know i know, i'll use e-vites next time.
can't wait to see you guys! and if not sunday, then sometime soon. =)
and thanks to tmonkey for the heads up on this smizzoking spizzify swizzeet little link. damn that's titalliciously tasty marketing.
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