tales from the nra

page 12 of a pdf that will soon be made into a beautifully illustrated and delicately designed perversely persuasive book peddling the ideals of the nra. download it, and then compare & contrast with the nifty client notes my friend jon was nice (and bored) enough to uncover in adobe illustrator. (shown below)
please do click on the photos for larger (and more readable) images on flickr.
pages 4-5

props to the illustrator for not taking the advice of the client and going overboard with burning guns and such. he opted instead for a slightly malevolent presidential-ish portrait of the evil soros with tired eyes, a cancerous mole, a slight grimace, unruly hair, loose neck fat, and fingers steepled mr. burns-style.
pages 12-13

what you don't know, is that this "fragile" little old lady is a serial rapist. that's right. she rapes guys. with a cucumber. vicious little whipper snapper. she's got an m-60 tucked up her skirt and was even able to bust out of those handcuffs around her ankles. see? one of them's not hooked to ANYTHING. she's a wily one, that gramma smith.
pages 14-15

mmm violent mayhem.
pages 20-21

"gangs" is in the hottest font on earth. sexy slutty rebel sailor pirate tattoo font. makes you wonder who DOESN'T want to be in a gang?
pages 28-29

i need me an iconic American muscular warrior somethin' fierce. rawr!
via boingboing.net and wonkette
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