Friday, August 03, 2007

live every week like it's shark week

my favorite multi-platform game design agency got a nice write-up on!

area/code is a tiny nyc group of insanely hard-working creatives that have gotten buzz in the advertising and marketing world for ConQuest (giant inflatable animals + a mob of nyu students = awesomenossity) and a sweet interactive game for a&e's syndication of the sopranos. their latest work is called "sharkrunners", part of discovery channel's annual shark week.

it's picked up quite a few players and piqued the interest of potential future marine biologists. if you're looking for a unique & engaging way to promote or launch your product/service/automated-plant-watering-system, area/code will kick that RFP's ass.

click HERE to read "Feed Frenzy".


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