mta stands for mighty tasty advertising
update 6:03 pm 3.3.05 : a savvy flickrer has snagged some photos! hooray!
on my way back from a toys r us trek, i spotted brill marketing from hbo on the S train from times square to grand central. of course, the new york post and gothamist have been on top of the story since feb 15th, but i'm just one girl! i can only do so much with two eyes, two ears, and ten fingers!
anyway. deadwood's got a new season starting sunday march 6th, and just released a new dvd too. apparently. i can't be too sure what the subway train was trying to tell me, i was too stunned for detailed text. every crack, corner, and butt-holder of the S train was skinned (vinyl?) with a western scheme - wood slat walls, ornate ceiling strip, old fashioned couches, wood benches at the car ends (what, hbo, got something against handicapped people? insist on them getting splinters? shame!), bottles on a bar, and this guy:

i loved this 360 degree ad for two reasons:
dang that marketing's powerful stuff. here i am spreading its message by word of mouth and i have no intention of purchasing the dvd. i don't even have hbo! and NO i do NOT work for hbo or any of its subsidiaries. =)
on my way back from a toys r us trek, i spotted brill marketing from hbo on the S train from times square to grand central. of course, the new york post and gothamist have been on top of the story since feb 15th, but i'm just one girl! i can only do so much with two eyes, two ears, and ten fingers!
anyway. deadwood's got a new season starting sunday march 6th, and just released a new dvd too. apparently. i can't be too sure what the subway train was trying to tell me, i was too stunned for detailed text. every crack, corner, and butt-holder of the S train was skinned (vinyl?) with a western scheme - wood slat walls, ornate ceiling strip, old fashioned couches, wood benches at the car ends (what, hbo, got something against handicapped people? insist on them getting splinters? shame!), bottles on a bar, and this guy:

i loved this 360 degree ad for two reasons:
- the S train is 3-4 cars long. the trip between grand central station and times square is less than 2 minutes. i felt like i was momentarily on vacation at epcot center. (note that i took the ride in the middle of the day and was not squished into other passengers like a molestette, as happens during excruciating rush hours)
- the advertising folk (who are you???) did an amazing job with the detailing. they made a list, checked it thrice, and killed it spot on.
- the car's exit/entry doors were skinned, but i couldn't tell what the graphics were supposed to show. i insist on swinging tavern doors dammit!
- the floor was left unbranded (probably due to cost). i would've appreciated a graphic of a cockroach, mouse, or frilly lacy women's undergarment. or shotgun shells and spilled beer.
dang that marketing's powerful stuff. here i am spreading its message by word of mouth and i have no intention of purchasing the dvd. i don't even have hbo! and NO i do NOT work for hbo or any of its subsidiaries. =)
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