forget mcdonald's...i'm lovin me some jacob escobedo
aka art director for 'adult swim'.
below is his contribution to the paint ball, an auction to benefit the save the children federation.

you can see a ton of other customized dunnys are at the kidrobot pirate store @ 281 lafayette st @ prince st from tuesday sept. 12th to sunday sept. 24th. though i doubt any are as divinely detailed as this one.
holy schnookies!
i really need to catch up on my media news surveillance because this little nugget somehow slipped by me:
'six feet under' will be showing on bravo!
mark your calendars for the monday october 2nd 9/8c premiere. i'm super glad i don't have to go out and buy or burn the dvds now. though i'll miss the edited out nude scenes with keith and dave and nate and brenda and whoever else they've shown naked.
+ yay! vincent is finally off 'project runway'.
labor day media consumption
"point of no return" (1993) - bridget fonda is a hott jodie foster-milla jovovich hybrid. she wears skimpy clothing and makes out with a dashing not-yet-uncloseted dermot mulroney (from "my best friend's wedding"). i would never have guessed he likes the boyz. cuz i would totally do him. enjoyably violent late night flick. (see if you can spot michael rapaport during his 10 seconds on screen...)
"cinderella man" (2005) - renee zellweger is really really not good looking.
"camp hollywood" (2004) - engaging documentary about a bunch of (mostly) canucks attempting to find fame and fortune while living at highland gardens motel, a dingy hole (but with a pool!) located at the foot of the hollywood hills. lots of skinny pretty girls, ugly men, and booze. one girl (brooke nevins) has since scored a recurring role on that semi-hit 'the 4400' on usa network. so one of them actually made it! sorta. if you can call acting in a film with matthew lillard as the lead "making it". lacey chabert vehicles are nice too. but seriously, i would never have the guff-balls-grit to make it in hollywood as an actress/comedian/anything. so mad props to ya'll hustlers!
"wallace & grommit: curse of the were-rabbit" (2005) - my second time seeing this one. cute pig-nosed bunnies. and grommit. my ideal man. if only he weren't a cartoon clay dog.
"little miss sunshine" (2006) - my opinion of the movie is the same as theogoodell's. a taste:"The overall feeling is of something painfully sweet that has been calculatedly sour-coated, as opposed to something sour which has been sugarcoated... It is a feel-good movie packaged and seamlessly designed to be digestible to movie snobs, and, infuriatingly, it succeeds, like a sweater you really like and are ashamed to admit comes from... the Gap."
long live
the most amazing thing happened on wednesday. an email in my inbox said someone on myspace had left me a message. someone called mary beth. i only know one mary beth - a long lost best friend that moved away when i was in junior high. i recall it as being quite a devastating event. especially when i lost her new contact info and thus lost touch. messages sent to me on myspace tend to be 40 yr old guys looking for some cyber sex or random people trying to increase their pitiful pointless friend count.
but the mary beth turned out to be her. only married. and with a career as a visual merchandiser. and, as her myspace page proved - looked exactly the same as in junior high! i wrote her back, she emailed again, and an actual phone conversation may actually happen this weekend! glorious day.
i'd tried to google her many times, and the yellow/white pages failed me too. i'm stunned that myspace came through for me, mostly because i treat it like the ugly delinquent younger brother of friendster - and ignore its primitive design and flashing animations with a tinge of disdain. but dang, maybe now i'll have to join some myspace groups or some shit. and *gasp* perhaps post sexy booty pix like everyone else. i'm such a sheep.