plushy chewy? yummy. chewy plushy? yummier.

red alert! hott kids' meals toys at burger king!!!
ok ok. the promotion started back on may 11th. going for 6 weeks. you've got 'til wednesday june 22nd to grab a water-squirter jar jar binks, a plushie ewok, or a wind-up yoda.
the promotional website is worth a peek - toy demos politely proclaim "toys do not move themselves" and then they benevolently pull the wool from my eyes with a "HEY KIDS THIS IS ADVERTISING" disclaimer. such honesty. such high morals. thank you burger king.
the longest yard
shakyamonkey: saw the longest yard last night
devaskate: you make it through w/out passing out?
shakyamonkey: review on blog
shakyamonkey: just posted +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
devaskate: *LMAO*!!!!!!!!!
devaskate: awesome
devaskate: i had no idea a movie could be that lame
shakyamonkey: it was basically watching a commercial
shakyamonkey: a 2 hour long commercial
shakyamonkey: without "ads"
shakyamonkey: this is how adam sandler pays the bills
shakyamonkey: smart
devaskate: brill. getting consumers to pay to see ads.
shakyamonkey: i don't know how much mcDs and reebok paid for product placement
shakyamonkey: but i'm sure they made the movie for way less than it normally would have
shakyamonkey: plus they had a bunch of has-been NFL stars
shakyamonkey: who were probably much cheaper
shakyamonkey: but you know who's going to see this shit
devaskate: hungry stoners who "play" their sports on ps2
devaskate: oooo did they sneak in a gaming scene?!?
devaskate: that would've been perfect
devaskate: milk it baby!
shakyamonkey: oh shit
shakyamonkey: they had this totally gratuitous xbox scene
shakyamonkey: in the guard locker room
shakyamonkey: a convict came in and he was like, oh you have the new halo 2?
devaskate: HAHAHAHAHHA
devaskate: lord
shakyamonkey: i know
devaskate: that is sick.
shakyamonkey: it's sick, and it's actually totally normal now
devaskate: i think i HAVE to see it now. just for research purposes.
shakyamonkey: which is sick
devaskate: counting product placement quantity and duration
shakyamonkey: see it for anthropological reasons
e3 = "electronic entertainment expo" = los angeles convention center.
that's where i spent this past week. for those of you unfamiliar with e3, it's an annual 3-day gamer's paradise. and attending it is a golden ticket lusted after by many a video game lover because it's for industry only, not open to the public. it doesn't matter if you're an xbox fan, playstation junkie, or nintendo devotee, e3's the place to be to preview new games, new platforms (xbox 360, ps3, nintendo gameboy micro), to see the most beautiful, colorful, complex tradeshow "booths" ever built. and of course, to check out the bitchin' booth babes.
highlights: testing out katamari damacy 2, watching gamespot-live interviews, seeing props from the upcoming book-to-movie translation of "the chronicles of narnia", gamers sprinting to testing kiosks when the doors opened every morning. o yeah and freebies. =)
e3 2005 part 1
e3 2005 part 2
e3 2005 part 3
skip snitch
o how i long for the days of yore when an up-and-coming indie band would garner drunken golf claps or even caustic catcalls from a tough audience. today, people settle for glares of disgust and vacant confusion - at least, in a 20' by 60' bar in manhattan's flatiron district called "snitch".
goes cube, a friend of mine's band, performed a set there last night. i use the term "set" loosely, as they were only allowed to play 2.5 songs before they were abruptly cut off by a darkened stage and filter's "i wake on my airplane". on top of that, the stage lacked monitors so the band couldn't hear themselves playing. they had to move their mics and rock out on the already crowded floor. something that was super punk rock, but only boggled the minds of the audience - trophy wives and the sleazy wall street "oh yeah man, i used to be a punk rocker" securities traders who cheat on them - who were just there to drool over celebs and unbutton the top button of their button-downs. the rude bullying self-important bouncers who nearly beat up my friends as they were leaving were included free of charge.
velvetly-roped off from 21st street between 5th & 6th ave, this self-proclaimed "rock & roll sports bar" is the place to be if you want matt pinfield and his shiny pate to make your ears bleed from 11pm-3am on wednesdays. ornamented with 20 flat screen tvs (they're the new fail-safe for well-connected aspiring interior designer flunkies), a dinky disco ball, $5 budweisers, a curtained strip club stage, and a stale pop rock soundtrack, scott weiland's snitch is a rock bar that doesn't respect its roots. everyone knows true rock & rollers are too busy busting their butts to give a twitching yelping neutered chihuahua about sports.