Monday, August 29, 2005

blogged and found

[] - get your traveller profile. i'm a "travel yup".

[] - a place where you can find out the preferred water sport and work history of your favorite executive. or executive-to-be.

Monday, August 22, 2005

my brother kicked your brother's magic-the-gathering-playing ass!

plus 3rd place at some tourny in july. rawk!


Friday, August 19, 2005

aw hell to the no!

that's just plain nasty. get your filthy corn syrup, yellow #5, and carnuba wax away from my cow.


american apparel here i come

after hitting the filativa popup store in june and designing my own hideously fashionable free t-shirt, i've lamented the fact that i don't own a heatpress machine/transfers/art software/unlimited blank t-shirt inventory all summer.

then i find out that
kbtoys is having a massive sale and these things called styli'sticks are here to rescue me from creative limbo. they're kind of like static window clings sans static or ragged punk band patches sans the safety pins. the "Z" generation's iron-on patch, if you will, taken on and off again via 30 seconds of hot iron set on "synthetic". i can't wait to complicate my blank tank tops, t-shirts, and fat pants with pastel-colored horses, bunnies, and rainbows.

at $2 it's a steal. two bucks (!) for 10 tubes of paint and 50 transfers. 81 units left so you best hurry. non-colorado, massachusetts, and virginia peeps get to skip out on sales tax too. shipping though, as usual, is an unknown variable, especially w/kb's kooky system of fixed + per pound shipping charges. black isn't part of the set, but i'm sure you crazy wak smart goth fillies will be able to finagle the included colors into some sort of muddled barfy brown. and that'll do pig, that'll do.

screw billboards and print ads. try hair.

hair tattoos and inventive marketing schemes kick my butt. but both in one fell swoop? great glossy gloopy genius.

breeze appears to be an outdoor events/activities hub for british youth (was verb birthed by breeze or breeze birthed by verb?) and is backed by the
leeds ("the UK's favourite city!") city council. i wonder if marc ecko could round up some barbers for a substitute hair-graffiti-thon...

via [
psfk & bnet]

Thursday, August 18, 2005

bklyn ywca gym/pool closing sept 4th

i just found out today that my favorite budget no-frills atlantic avenue ywca health club is shutting down. no further details are available on their cheery flash-filled website, and the staff didn't have much to say either. the only other clues i found were a flyer touting a farewell party for the staff on aug 24th, and xeroxes proclaiming the ywca gym and pool were permanently shutting down on sunday sept 4th. =*(

i spent the evening workout being first peeved that i'd now have to donate my butt-toning fees to a crunch/nysc/random boxing gym like the rest of nyc, then curious what would happen to the space (it's a small club, but not that small), and finally sad for the staff and lifeguards who would be losing their jobs, and who had always been friendly and courteous - except for that one old woman who told us (intentionally?) incorrectly that the Y had suddenly instituted summer hours (we're closing at 8pm!) one muggy july evening.

r.i.p. y.w.c.a. - despite your out-of-order treadmills, ineffective sign-in sheets, scary sauna, and creepily cloudy pool, you did offer an air-conditioned space that helped me kick out some stress and slap me back into shape when i needed it most.

i may have to take this as a sign to bust out of brooklyn. they are gypping me out of 2.5 months of my annual membership fee! and locker rental. beetches.

deuster does it

miller beer can cintronella candles! stuffed cheese olives! the boozetube! and o mama...the "bonny boy" - a tiny fountain that pees shots of liquor. careful though, batteries not included. nearly everything at the deuster company seems to come with a free bonus gift of some kind, so if you're planning on opening your very own subterranean pimpin party joint slash laundry room, this place will most likely have the fruit zesters/mini shakers/neon signs/drink parasols you so desperately seek on the cheap.

Monday, August 15, 2005


update 08/17/05: poop! city council ain't liking this gathering of miscreants to paint the town pink purple red and green... [gothamist]

mark your calendars! on wednesday august 24th, atari embraces a daring media/marketing stunt - a rockin' graffiti-thon - to launch marc ecko's new video game, "getting up: contents under pressure". though to me, gathering 20 oft-demonized graffiti artists together in one place sounds suspiciously like a SWAT ambush. isn't a tagger's greatest asset his/her anonymity?

8/24 - noon-8pm - 22nd st b/w 10th & 11th

[gamespot "...takes it to the streets"]
[nypost "...criminal how-to"]
[adrants "atari to host..."]
[mediaplannerbuyer "...controversy"]

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

shop n drop

...from a cnn article through a post at fast company made by k. ohannessian...

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

august already, eh?

i might as well exercise my right to free speech and plug some stuff.

atari music vol. i & ii - beep bop bip boop boom boom boom boom boom
ama - tastiest italian restaurant website evar
kasadela - east village japanese snacks on the cheap
free fresch mints - spotted these in a bodega by hotel gansevoort, meatpacking district. cute tin features a windsurfer riding a tsunami.