absolutely brill. 30 pairs stored for $65. featured in the new york times a couple days ago...

<3 <3
love this idea...just not swooning over the $663.75 cost (25% discount, not including tax).
diesel power

i'm not a huge fan of diesel's euro trash tactiles, but i do enjoy friendswithyou, a quirky design duo whose punky plushies i'm sure you've seen around town. your two-yr-old is probably slobbering all over one right this instant.
anyway, their 'winter tour wonderland' has landed at the nyc diesel denim gallery, part of a book launch publicity effort, and i suggest you check it out. you've got till sunday january 7th, 2007, to catch this sweet action.
it's a neat little space. only about 20 items of actual (brazenly overpriced overdesigned) clothing in the whole joint, but the last time i was there, they had this massive tortured metal sculpture in the middle of the store that left virtually no perusing room at all. and it was awesome. i wish i had had the guts to take a touristy photog.
also, i can't get enough of 65daysofstatic.

hear their raucous tunes here:
they look like fun guys right? ya, right on! rad! totally! seriously, give them a try.
listen if you like:
explosions in the sky
at the drive in
wagon christ
and this lusty lumberjack guy is from some book at http://die-gestalten.de. find its book mommy and you'll get 25 caramel swirled nutty fudge brownie points. or a package of delicious cocoa marshmallow bunny peeps. girl scout's honor.
it's duffer time
"We are holding a sample sale at our Shoreditch showroom in December. There will be lots of Autumn/Winter samples and end of line stock available at bargain prices (from just £5.00).
Dates and times are as follows:
Thursday 14th December 10 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.
Friday 15th December 10 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.
Saturday 16th December 11 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Sunday 17th December 11 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
The address is St George's House, 140 Shoreditch High Street, London E1 6JE
(nearest tubes Liverpool Street / Old Street).
Cash, cheques and credit cards accepted."
worth a trip to vancouver
dear barney's,
this whole andy warhol promotional schtick is just stupid. nobody wants cans of soup for christmas. not even at the cheap cheap price of $12/can. andy didn't create this "art". he had no part in dyeing these campbell soup labels trippy colors. "happy warhol-idays" is unbearably not cheery nor creative nor charming. plus, you should feel especially ashamed for promoting the giving of UGLY BAD GIFTS. you know, like bright yellow ukelele ties and o-so-scary-&-tough skull necklaces. hopefully any gifted soups will be returned, cash refunds given, and then THAT cold cash spent on REAL soup for the hungry & homeless. so ixnay on the oupsay. please.
p.s. i do like your holiday mailer.
more deliciously over-hyped v&r promotional goodness...
...specific to 'flowerbomb', viktor & rolf's recently released femme scent. the perfume itself smells a tad too cotton-candyish, better for surprising your hubby whilst sporting a lace teddy, than for everyday use.
as for the charm bracelet, def not worth it:
current bid: $37.89

sweet deal for a happy friday
birds on a wire
current bid: $6.50 sold for: $6.50

i imagine my 4th grade muumuu-wearing music teacher coming in with this on. she sure had a way with those plastic recorder-flute thingamajigs. i'm too conservative to pull this one off. and too short. and not enough of an ornithologist. i wonder if it could work as a bracelet. or belt. fyi there are a zillion vintage owl necklaces for sale. blah blah.
trunk. period.
current bid: $4000.00

this thing is amazing. if i had 4k to blow on whatever, i would buy this big box, and make sure that the $185 shipping fee was used to hire a sled dog team to drag it to my house in the middle of winter. their path lit by fireworks and paper bag lanterns. then i would waterproof it, insulate it, stick it in an empty lot, and live in it. and strut around town saying that louis vitton built my house.