there's something to be said about looking back on your former self. or garbled writings from days past showcased on makeoutclub, that glorious hipster hoochie hookup haven. you get to observe elements of growth, maturity, and general incomprehensibility. i think the following "interests/about yourself" summer of 2003 blurb from my makeoutclub profile might need to go. i'm aiwanese on page 544 if you're interested. about myself.
and someone called snuggleturtle113 on aim needs a friend. drop him a message! xHIKEx!!!!!!!!! rawk.
i don't think sex means that much anymore. or maybe i'm one of those promiscuous types. eek.
dating is a full-time job. i want to get laid off.
why didn't anybody tell me that new york city is also known as rainy ass shitty.
i just watched "basquiat". there were a lot of famous people in that movie. i wonder if any of them knew the actual kid.
hot cross is neat.
going to weakerthans or nada surf this week? drop me a note so i can stalk you. i need a new hobby.
nyc is too cool for its own good.
honey + milk is the best smelling, best tasting combination ever.
i like grapefruit. better than oranges i think. i wish there were some way to get more out of grapefruit. and less messy.
my brother's coming to live with me tomorrow. spending the summer and bumming around getting buff. he's almost a frat boy. i'm scared. and sad. no more random orgies. fark.
attack of the winkies

time for me to drop everything and fulfill my lifetime dream of taking care of other people's white, affluent, chinese-speaking toddlers. thanks for the heads up, new york metro!
these poor kids are in for a rough childhood. they'll have all the best toys, designer clothes, and ponies money can buy, but if they don't forget any chinese they've learned when they start attending kindergarten (taught in *gasp* english), i smell taunts of "weirdo" and "retard" emanating from their insensitive classmates. the bilingual advantages (in worldwide travel, corporate takeovers, and fake-designer-purse negotiation) are obvious, but what about her psyche? learning any language is a challenge and tackling two of the most difficult languages at age 3 is just unreasonable. and at what age will they tack on spanish?
then again, maybe these pecunious parents will splurge on international boarding school. and then they'll fit, um, right in. i bet that's how baby "so-adopted-from-a-bored-rich-family-guy" stewie came about.
no photoshop involved, honest
the go! team @ canal room
3/23/05 wednesday - 11pm - THE GO! TEAM
@ canal room NYC - 285 w. broadway (@ canal st)
9pm to 4am - 21+
$10 before the band
free after the band
get tickets online
why do i want to see these guys so badly? i've only heard one song and i half remember what it sounds like. nope, scratch that. i can't remember anything about them. i think they play rock music. they must kick butt though b/c they sold out tonight's southpaw show. and i missed them @ sxsw.
i'm hitting the thermals & fred armisen tonight @ the knitting factory.
upcoming eardrum blastings:
4/01/05 friday - lightning bolt, DMBQ, panthers, titan
8pm @ club exit (all ages, price tba)
147 greenpoint ave
greenpoint, brooklyn, ny 11222
4/05/05 tuesday - dogs die in hot cars, phoenix, long-view, the joy zipper
8pm @ irving plaza $20
4/20/05 wednesday - joseph arthur
9pm @ bowery ballroom $17
as always, you can find more show info @
sxsw 2005 - day 5
updated 9:30am 3/22/05: i just uploaded 187 sxsw 2005 photos for your viewing pleasure. click HERE or hit the "see me" link in the sidebar for some austin eye candy. sorry about the sideways-ness - i was in a rush this morning. i'll fix em tonight. thanks!
note: sxsw 2005 entries were entered on the evening of saturday march 19th, as i had limited internet access during the week and ignobly forgot to bring my computer's power pack with which i was supposed to power my computer. enjoy. i did.
-up at 8am - curse my circadian clock
-hugged some porcelain, brushed my teeth, went back to bed
-12 noon - woke up, brushed teeth again
-brunch @ star seeds cafe - usually tasty, but they were swamped with hipsters, our food, though dastardly delicious, took four and twenty hours to arrive, and there were flitty fruit flies everywhere. nuff said.
-fonz dropped me off his house, he had to work 2pm-10pm
-arpan picked me up 3ish and we headed to "the drag", where the titillating "toy joy" store is located
-bought some impractical cutesy junk and we set off for the convention center and "flatstock 6"-on the way to flatstock, we drove by a packed urban outfitters store, bloc party was playing there. i spotted my buddy mike who is in "the winter pageant", shouted his name, and we hung out for two seconds while arpan circled the block. there is a diesel store in austin too.
-circled the poster art trade show, meeting artists, gathering an obscene amount of brilliantly designed business cards and postcards, purchased $150 or so worth of memorabilia
-sprinted to the nearby hilton hotel and asked some guy who i thought worked at the hotel restaurant where i could find an atm. he didn't know, didn't work there, but did ask me to join him for a sushi dinner. i turned him down. i am a one-man lady. dang though. my new haircut is the shizznit! he was a fairly attractive austin-dave lookalike. and free food. o well, i had posters waiting to be bought.
-asked a real restaurant worker for help and an atm was successfully located and some of my bank account's funds vacated + $2.50 service charge.
-after dragging arpan around the trade show for 2 hours, i finally have my fill and we head out. arpan has a thesis to finish.
-dropped off at fonz's house @ 7pm
-fonz gets home at 11ish. arp shows up not long after. we make celestially comforting chicken noodle soup and wait for the calm to seep in.
-partay. good night.
sxsw 2005 - day 4
-woke up around 9am - no gym today
-breakfast buffet @ intercontinental
-convention center goodies - met amin (last name?) and david rose - organizers and web guy for sxsw - both super nice
-rode the free 'dillo to shopping on south congress - parts & labour (picked up unicorn "give in" shirt), factory people (picked up complimentary nylon mags)
-cabbed it back to downtown austin, got dropped off @ stubb's
-spin party @ stubb's @ 2pm
- watched the futureheads and bloc party perform
- garnier fructis was giving away haircuts via cell phone raffle
- ac/dc patches
- met the blueskins - from england, same town as the kaiser chiefs. they gave me a sxsw beer cozy. they were loaded down with freebies from the fader/levi's party
-at 5ish, hit the insound party @ club deville - an "a-maze-ing" bar - got there late, only saw anne, grabbed a vans tshirt and went back to hotel
-saw a zippo car, a cuddly cute japanese girl band, and a skinned scion car on way back. got cd samplers and tshirts from the guy inside the scion.
-dinner @ rambunctiously ritzy restaurant the roaring fork - "campfire" salmon with couscous infused with curry cream & corn - with production crew - steven, ethan, david, bobby/robert, amy
-pinot noir and a red zinfandel
-met up w/fonz & arpan at 10pm - bar-hopped to agave, the library, the aquarium
-met fonz's friend travis who is majoring in math and likes girls with good tummies
-drank 3 glasses of wine. 1 beer. 2 cocktails. 2 baileys on the rocks. no shots. thank god.
-ran after camera crew filming the upcoming "real world: austin"
-came upon aqua teen hunger force on 6th street! frylock, shake, and meatwad represent.
-passed out at 3am @ fonz's house
sxsw 2005 - day 3
-woke up at 5:30am, went to gym for a 3 mile run & 20 mins on bike, had a liquid odwalla breakfast
-walked down congress - by south 1st - the "house stores" - got lost - walked for a good 2 hrs
-convention center - robert plant keynote "speech" & mavis staples opener, i sat in the very last row - picked up freebies - opened at noon party! i worked the door, didn't see any people i knew, and met SF MP3 peter. also the wrens, american music club, the oranges band played - good turnout - about 250 people showed for our 4 hour day party - delicious bbq - momo's makes the best bloody mary's i've ever had
-dinner w/the marketing team @ maiko - tex mex sushi - no dessert, had only been open a week - dropped water all over one of our team - gave us free sake bombs - manager didn't have spicy tuna rolls, warned us against them in the future as spicy tuna is really just mashed up leftover excess tuna
-headed to buffalo billiards for film school, but arrived just as they were ending - long butt line to get in, so i split
-radio 4 & vhs or beta @ stubb's - they opened for fatboy slim, got posters - dancey!
-hotel lights @ havana calle - heat lamps thank goodness- went home at midnight
sxsw 2005 - day 2
-woke up at 5:30am, went to gym, ran 3 miles, saw marketing buddy, felt very unhealthly and irresponsible next to her (she runs 7-9 miles 6 times a week PLUS yoga)
-sales meetings from 8am-1pm, lunch @ hotel
-hit convention center for badges, bags, mags, schwag - saw some people from rhapsody and snocap speak - panel about digital music distribution for the indie artist
-dinner @ z tejas - 20 min shuttles out of austin, had chicken stack with asparagus mushroom layers - delicious chips, dip, guac, and filled up on appetizers - best key lime cheesecake ever
-met someone at who knows a girl i used to work with at insound - small world...
-dolorean @ maggie mae's - better on cd, i was falling asleep
-tried to get into eternal for a downtempo show with eluvium and mono, but line was messy and not moving - headed over to red river road where the burden bros (sucked) at stubb's - too cold to stay for the donnas and billy idol, went home at 11pm
sxsw 2005 - day 1
-flight lands at 10pm, austin @ 11pm
-ludicrous manual vintage "parking meters"
-warehouse district - snagged some pizza then hit molotov for b-day drinks with my buddy fonz's friends - john (twas his bday), jason, and rio - all volunteer for austin city limits and sxsw
-i'm staying at the intercontinental - a beautiful fancy prestigious hotel - i walk in with dirty converse chucks and feel cowed in front of the hot blue-eyed blonde-haired german desk clerkette
-good sleep.
dylan's randy bar

i traipsed over to dylan's candy bar on 60th st & 3rd ave last night, right before the rush hour home, in search of big/giant/oversized sugar products for a themed gift basket. this was my first time to dylan's and it was delightful. for the first five minutes. i snagged a brownie sample, sniffed the unmistakable delight that is freshly shaped rice krispie treats, and let my eyes glaze over in awe at the vivid assortment of gummie bears (they even had orange ones, yum!). giant pez dispensers, charleston chews, pixy stix, fist-sized gumballs (careful, $9.99/lb), peeps, cadbury creme eggs, enormous fortune cookies. they've got what your sweet tooth craves.
and then i smelled it - the smell of kids gone wild. sugar was in the air and sticky fingers ran rampant. a sugar rush through osmosis. i couldn't get away from it. it gave me a stomachache and a toothache at the same time. mucho props to the actresses/actors that while away their days there. genuflect. respect.
o and they had a clip from the soundtrack for the 2001 gem "hedwig and the angry inch" playing on their PA system, along with the usual "i want candy" and "be my honey/sugar/etc" tracks...
I've got a sweet tooth / for licorice drops and jelly rolls,
Hey sugar daddy / Hansel needs some sugar in his bowl.
I'll lay out fine china on the linen / And polish up the chrome
and if you've got some sugar for me / Sugar Daddy, bring it home.
Black strap molasses / you're my orange blossom honey bear.
And if you've got some sugar for me / Sugar Daddy, bring it home.
if you've seen "hedwig", you know that this song is entirely inappropriate for the demographic (midwesterner tourists & tween/toddler/tot-age kids) that frequents dylan's candy bar. if you have NOT seen "hedwig", do so RIGHT. NOW. forget work. scoot yourself over to a dvd store/netflix and get your rock opera on. "sugar daddy" has got a lot more than sweets for you, kid.
the unplayed portion of the song:
Oh the thrill of control, / like the rush of rock and roll,
is the sweetest taste I've known.
So come on, Sugar Daddy, bring it home.
When honey bees go shopping / it's something to be seen.
They swarm to wild flowers / and get nectar for the queen.
And everything you bring me / gets me dripping like a honeycomb
and if you've got some sugar for me, / Sugar Daddy, bring it home.
Oh the thrill of control, / like a Blitzkrieg on the roll,
is the sweetest taste I've known.
So if you've got some sugar bring it home.
Oh come on, Sugar Daddy, bring it home!
Whiskey and French cigarettes, / a motorbike with high-speed jets,
a Waterpik, a Cuisinart / and a hypo-allergenic dog.
I want all the luxuries of the modern age,
and every item on every page / in the Lillian Vernon catalogue.
Oh baby, something's crossed my mind / and I was thinking you'd look so fine
in a velvet dress / with heels and an ermine stole.
Oh, Luther darling, heaven knows / I've never put on women's clothes
except for once my mother's camisole.
So you think only a woman / can truly love a man.
Then you buy me the dress / I'll be more woman
than a man like you can stand.
I'll be your Venus on a chocolate clam shell
rising on a sea of marshmallow foam
and if you got some sugar for me, / Sugar Daddy, bring it home.
It's our tradition to control, / like Erich Honecker and Helmut Kohl,
from the Ukraine to the Rhone.
Sweet home uber alles,Lord, I'm coming home.
So come on, Sugar Daddy, bring me home. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
i need a care bear nap

amazon is currently purveyor of care bear sofas!
apparently they're shoddily made, but kids love em, experiencing feelings of giddiness and glee when they sleep/rest on them daily. $30 & free shipping gets you a cheap-ass 3' x 2' bed! i only wish they made them in adult sizes. ah, to be a pop culturally refined toddler in the age of excess consumerism.
home depot = shopping heaven
devaskate: dude home depot is awesome
devaskate: the one on 23rd st anyway
shakyamonkey: yeah?
shakyamonkey: doorman i hear
devaskate: they were so helpful,
devaskate: yeah doorman
devaskate: they help you get a cab if you need it
shakyamonkey: cool
shakyamonkey: different from the one I go out in sunset park
shakyamonkey: no surly paunchy dudes with overhangs and attitude
devaskate: the red hook one?
devaskate: i have no idea where sunset park is.
devaskate: =)
shakyamonkey: not really red hook
devaskate: but yeah, the chain as a whole, i've never been disappointed.
shakyamonkey: if you take the NR from where we are south a little
devaskate: really
devaskate: long walk?
shakyamonkey: yes
shakyamonkey: but it's not that far on the train
shakyamonkey: it's just hauling lumber on the subway
devaskate: but if you're carrying shit...
devaskate: hehe
shakyamonkey: is not fun
shakyamonkey: i mean, it can be fun
shakyamonkey: depending on who you're with
devaskate: ya, i'll have to remember to string along my football assistants
shakyamonkey: xactly
it's like that one episode of futurama...

you want one? i know i do. thank god for the end of season sale at hammacher schlemmer.
i just got a fatty fat paycheck, so i might get one just for kicks. er. swings. er. strokes.
hairs cut
i went from just past shoulder-length to boy length. i feel like i'm wearing a wig. but people are telling me it's cute. maybe i'll get used to it. not the best pics ever. more later. promise.
lou reed @ crobar
lou reed is playing crobar (crobar?!?!?!) on tuesday april 5th. as a fan of hedwig, i feel that i'm obliged to attend this $35 (not including ticketbastard charges) event. he's a legend in my mind and i bet he's got some sotty stories to tell. what does sotty mean? i made it up. i think. sordid + gritty + motley = sotty.
bust out your pretty punchy plastic now - tickets go onsale tomorrow (friday) at noon.
'...and the colored girls go...'
ashes, snow, bitter cold, bodum sale
i had a good karma-ed weekend. got a lot of errands done, cleansed some laundry, restocked my fridge & toilet roll, shopped for future birthday presents, and visited the recently-opened gregory colbert & shigeru ban's ashes and snow photo/architecture exhibit at pier 54.
click here for some of my ashes and snow exterior shots...
tips for your own trek to the artsy fartsy meatpacking district:
- bring your student ID. with proof of tutelage, you'll get in to the makeshift storage-bin cavern for only $6...not the full-price admission of $12.
- bundle up if you're going before the snow stops falling. it's colder inside than out, even though there are heat lamps inside. 4 of them. that's barely plural.
- no cameras allowed inside. beware scoldings from the guards.
- please do not follow the lead of ignorant tourists in voicing that "It's so Bollywood! Doncha think?". and definitely don't follow it up with a cackle that could stir a cauldron.
- visit during off peak hours and wear comfortable shoes. there is an hour-long film to be stood through at the far end of the gallery, that is well worth the sore legs.
- stop in to BODUM on 14th street, on your way back to the A/C for a crazy cheap house/office/kitchen-wares sale and some coffee.
the winter pageant @ sxsw

goodness gracious. i'm taking off my furry pastel pink be-ribboned kangol slouchy mod hat to the winter pageant. i know the bassist, and after seeing them open for explosions in the sky at mercury lounge a few months ago, i have to say that they sincerely deserve the good fortune they're receiving. the show-mates they've scored for sxsw this year are amazing. i love love love +/- and stars. just thinking about the blender bar show makes me drool a little. dribble dribble. oops.
***SXSW SHOWCASE - Saturday 3/19/05 @ Blender Bar @ The Ritz (320 E 6th St.)
8pm - Timonium (Los Angeles CA)
9pm - +/- (New York NY)
10pm - THE WINTER PAGEANT (Brooklyn NY)
11pm -Stars (Montreal QC)
12pm - I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness (Austin TX)
1am - American Analog Set (Austin TX)
***KVRX Day Party - Thursday 3/17/05 @ John Mueller's BBQ @ 1917 manor rd. (east of IH 35 downtown).
1pm die princess die (san diego)
2pm loxsly (aus)
3pm dirty on purpose (nyc)
4pm america is waiting (aus)
6pm am syndicate (aus)
7pm hell is for heroes (uk)
***Porchlight Studios Day Party - Saturday 3/19/05 @ The Tillery Street Theater, 701 Tillery Street, Austin, TX 78701
1pm Subset
1:40pm Bedbug
3pm Palaxy Tracks
3:40pm +/-
4:20pm Fivehead
5pm Swearing At Motorists
5:40pm This Microwave World
6:20pm The Natural History
7pm Earlimart
ok. even their website is freaking me out now. eep.

Free drinks! Movie passes!
Monday, March 14, starting at 7:00pm
Stop by Sixes and Eights (205 Chrystie St, between Stanton and Rivington Sts) and pick up complimentary passes for you and a guest to attend a special advance screening of The Ring 2. Stick around and enjoy FREE drinks until 9:00pm.
Special giveaways will include a $50 bar tab at The Bubble Lounge and sneakers by Pony.
Brought to you by The L Magazine and DreamWorks Pictures.
haha. i just heard a northern state song ("the man's dollar") on woxy...and they plugged does anyone go there anymore? i mean, if microsoft can't even compete with the omnipresent google, i doubt lycos should even try. especially if you're depending on northern state for product placement.
volunteer with me
at the tribeca film festival this year. it's scheduled to stretch from april 19th to may 1st. and as e3 isn't until mid-may, i should have plenty of time to stalk celebrities. all the opportunities they have listed sound fun (i'm crossing my fingers to be assigned to "Special Events - Work premieres, parties and events"). and heck, you, yes you, need a break from your routine.
CLICK HERE to print out your app and mail or fax it in.
i better see you there. and yup, i heard about this from gothamist. dang they're good at what they do.
gamespot & steamboy

enter once a day until march 24th & SHARE with me when you win. please. i work here so i can't enter. grr. =)
overheard in cubicle land...
" his name's Greg Kahlua, and I said, 'Your name's "Kahlua," like the drink?' And he said 'Yes ma'am. But you can't drink me.' "

...adorable. it'll look perfect on my kitty cat. supporting the enemy. for the 2 seconds that he'll allow it. darn that free will.
mta stands for mighty tasty advertising
update 6:03 pm 3.3.05 : a savvy flickrer has snagged some photos! hooray! CLICK HERE TO SEE EM...
on my way back from a toys r us trek, i spotted brill marketing from hbo on the S train from times square to grand central. of course, the new york post and gothamist have been on top of the story since feb 15th, but i'm just one girl! i can only do so much with two eyes, two ears, and ten fingers!
anyway. deadwood's got a new season starting sunday march 6th, and just released a new dvd too. apparently. i can't be too sure what the subway train was trying to tell me, i was too stunned for detailed text. every crack, corner, and butt-holder of the S train was skinned (vinyl?) with a western scheme - wood slat walls, ornate ceiling strip, old fashioned couches, wood benches at the car ends (what, hbo, got something against handicapped people? insist on them getting splinters? shame!), bottles on a bar, and this guy:

i loved this 360 degree ad for two reasons:- the S train is 3-4 cars long. the trip between grand central station and times square is less than 2 minutes. i felt like i was momentarily on vacation at epcot center. (note that i took the ride in the middle of the day and was not squished into other passengers like a molestette, as happens during excruciating rush hours)
- the advertising folk (who are you???) did an amazing job with the detailing. they made a list, checked it thrice, and killed it spot on.
and, being the ever disgruntled new yorker, i also had two complaints about the subway slathering:- the car's exit/entry doors were skinned, but i couldn't tell what the graphics were supposed to show. i insist on swinging tavern doors dammit!
- the floor was left unbranded (probably due to cost). i would've appreciated a graphic of a cockroach, mouse, or frilly lacy women's undergarment. or shotgun shells and spilled beer.
the deadwood site's worth a look. no dancing hamsters, animated aim icons, or free samples of kosher salt, but they do offer a "chance" at a trip to the wild west, etc etc. and a promo code - HBOFS50 (1st o=letter, 2nd o=number) - for free shipping on your next deadwood buying binge that goes over $50.
dang that marketing's powerful stuff. here i am spreading its message by word of mouth and i have no intention of purchasing the dvd. i don't even have hbo! and NO i do NOT work for hbo or any of its subsidiaries. =)
plush tv dolls are extinct
people want this?

amazingly enough, this miniature trash bag was in the "corporate gifts" category on too hip for me, that's fo sho.
i spend most of my day looking for hip/cool/unique/useful/appreciated gifts for people that i will never meet. as an awesomely adorable adjustable agreeable administrative assistant, i gift. almost every day. not just holidays. super bowl sundays. baby birth days. "congrats on your promotion" days. "hope you find a new job" days. it's kind of like shopping for a secret santa gift, but with a twist. an evil psychic has proclaimed that the name you drew out of the hat is your future wife. so it needs to be worthwhile. something of value. something needed. moreover, something wanted. something that is professional, yet caring. subdued, not daring. and after searching all day on the interweb, kool-aid purses are what i come up with.
booty bar

spotted disco d in new york metro!
is it weird to be kind of grossed out that i used to date him? well. if you can call 3 dates, "dating". we got along ok. it didn't end entirely happily. but i guess it never would have worked out - he's at least 7 freakin feet tall. smart too, started djing when he was in high school. he's cocky (wink wink), wears glasses (when no one's looking), looooooves mini vinyl japanese toys (bearbrick etc etc), japanime, and tony hawk pro 99% of the randy young NYC bucks in their twenties.
congrats to his girly - long live ghettotech baby, yeah!
secret snow showers

kind of annoying how city folk freak out over the tiniest bit of inclement weather.
"7-9 inches! we're all gonna die!"
c'mon now, it barely accumulated and it feels quite springy outside. i even got myself some tasti d-lite. choco w/rainbow sprinkles yum.