more morr music please...

click the image to see moody minimalist record label morr music's perfectly peculiar 2006 holiday greetings to the net cruisers of the world...and to jam out on some bones and mushrooms. sweet & silly & scary.
safe > sorry
me: i was watching jeopardy at the gym last night
friend: haha
me: and i got one question right
me: i was so happy
me: ha
friend: you are expanding your mind and strengthening your body at the same time now?
me: those people have nutso good memory
friend: yep
me: 2 birds, one stone, etc
friend: you want to go see a taping of it when you are here?
me: they quizzed them on the amendments
me: and there are a lot
me: i thought there were only a dozen or so
friend: 14?
me: but they were quoting up to like 18
me: or something
friend: ah
me: i'm so ign'ant about history
friend: but yeah, we can go to a taping if you want
me: ahhaha
friend: cause sony owns jeopardy haah
me: for reals? i'm not a fan. i just thought it would be more fun to watch than friends
me: right right
me: hhaha
me: also
me: alex trebek
friend: haha i am not a fan really
me: did this weird little thing
friend: trebek is scary in real life
me: when an answer to a question was "what is a ferret?"
friend: he was talking about shotguns once to the audience according to one of my coworkers that works on jeopardy
me: and he made a little weasel noise
me: and motioned with his hands
me: to indicate a phantom ferret
me: it was hilarious
me: and then he said "yeah, it's been one of those days"
me: i miss his mustache
me: he looks funny without it. naked.
friend: me too!
me: he looks like a hard talkin ass kicking nature man
me: (not)
friend: i feel like i am doing something wrong when i look at hi now
me: shotgun politics? or shotgun guns?
friend: GUNS!!
me: wack
friend: that he uses on people that come on his lawn or something
me: i like how he says "good" to all the contestants' right answers
me: like they're lil puppies being trained
RISA JAROSLOW & DANCERS (Tonight through Sunday night) Risa Jaroslow has often focused on the idea of community in her work, and in “Resist/Surrender” she explores ideas about masculinity by bringing in a diverse group of nondancers (gay teenagers, New York City firefighters and corporate lawyers) to work with her troupe. Scott Johnson has composed an original score. At 8:30, Danspace Project at St. Mark’s Church, 131 East 10th Street, East Village, (212) 674-8194,; $15; members, $10. (Roslyn Sulcas)my friend paul (he's the sexy brown boy in the right back corner) is performing tonight, saturday, and sunday. if you live in nyc, definitely check out his danspace project dance piece "resist/surrender" at st mark's church, at 2nd ave & 10th st. lower east side, friday evening, crappy wind and rain and nasty muggy 80 degrees outside (IN DECEMBER??????)...god is practically demanding that you attend!